Truth is, we’re both. We, the royal we, provide agency-grade creative and results at cost-effective freelance rates. You see, whilst charging their clients eye-watering agency fees, most agencies hire freelancers (we know, they’ve hired us). So, you’ll be pleased to know, that’s not how we work.

We don’t have:
• Swanky London ‘Hubs’ (that clients pay for)
• A ‘where there’s mystery there’s margin’ mindset
• Over-complicated agency manifestos
…or profit-hungry boards to satisfy.

We know you need results. That’s why we produce brands and creative marketing that works… at a price, you can afford.


Seth Godin is right, amongst a field of normal cows, a purple cow stands out. In our marketing content-overloaded world (a field full of cows), companies need distinction (purple cows) more than ever.

But we don’t just create ‘different’ for the sake of it.

Through consideration, vision, challenging the status quo, and bold creativity, we create marketing content and purposeful brands which answers the only question prospects ask… “why?”. This is how we transform browsers into buyers.


What businesses want marketing to say, and what your audience engage with, are different.

For this reason, we challenge our clients’ brief to ensure their creative marketing is meaningful and on the prospect’s terms.
You see, if we’re not challenging you, we’re not doing our job properly. And judging by our case studies and client testimonials, our approach works.

Some call it value-add. Some call it disruptive. We call it getting results.


When you know your prospect, you know what makes them tick. But we’re not talking about profiling. Scientific studies prove humans are irrational creatures led by emotions (yes, even in the b2b world).

While features may rationalise a sale, emotional benefits (such as “why should I care?” or “how will that make me feel?”) create the sale.

Therefore, rather than ‘style over substance’, we specialise in creating substance with style.


With over 22 years experience spanning apps, branding, film, advertising, and creative marketing, Bravo is led by Founder & Creative Director, Baz Richardson.

His combined understanding of consumer behaviour and creativity means whether you measure success in likes and retweets or growth and profits, Bravo Marketing produce brands, ideas, and content that creates demand.

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